One of the most important aims of this website is to create an online, illustrated catalogue raisonné of Clifford Hall's pictures. This project will undoubtedly take a great deal of time, effort and research to complete to a point where it can be legitimately considered a catalogue raisonné. It will also in many cases take a good deal of cooperation from people, of which their must be several hundred at least, who own work by the artist. We can only hope this cooperation will be forthcoming. Please contact us if you own or have owned, or believe you own, work by the artist. Our discretion is assured and it is not our intention to list the personal details of any owners who do not wish those details and/or their identity to be made public.

As Clifford Hall produced works that fall into a number of different genres it seems logical to concentrate initially on cataloguing one genre at a time. So, to begin with we have decided to concentrate on listing his portrait paintings, as the estate already has images of quite a few of these.

CLIFFORD HALL: Portrait Paintings

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©2018 - 2025 Estate of Clifford Hall